If I were to learn react again with my current level of knowledge.

If I were to learn react again with my current level of knowledge.

All my resources from youtube which have always helped me a lot.

I would probably start here, John Smilga has a very practical approach that helps me a lot:

Adrian Twarog React Developer Roadmap

John Smilgas React Beginner Tutorial

and directly afterwards to sharpen the learned the same approach with projects:

John Smilgas React Projects

Other great channels to learn react are following bellow, i add an example video but i would recommend to check out the whole channel:

Traversy Media - React Crashcourse

Dev Ed - Learning React

Florin Pop - React Projects

JavaScript Mastery - Advanced React Projects

PortEXE - React Testing (Advanced Stuff!)

After these projects you have a very solid base and can think in very different directions - a framework like next.js or gatsby.js made a lot of sense for me.

Next.js with the net Ninja

Gatsby.js with the net Ninja

After that a List of (Advanced Stuff) Channels that deserve attention with Topics like for example TypeScript, Advanced Projects, Headless CMS, Fullstack, AWS Amplify and so on

Ben Awad

Harry Wolff

Code with Ania Kubów

Jason Lengstorf

Karl Hadwen

James Q Quick

Colby Fayock

Nader Dabit


I'm sure I've forgotten some sources, but I'll add them as I go along. I hope it brings you as much fun while learning as me.

Cheers and happy Coding - Benny